Are you having the best sex of your life?

It’s never just one thing that does it, right?

It’s a combination of things which may not come into your life until you are older.  Most of the people I speak with are having their best sex in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, and all seem to express the same common thoughts:

– “I am no longer quiet; I have entered the ‘don’t give a fuck’ years.”

– “I am open to trying things with this trusted partner.”

– “I am very into my partner’s new experiences too.”

– “Our energy is well matched.”

– “It’s about me, now.”

Exploring couple

Why do these elements make sex so great?

1. Being quiet during sex is denying the animal-nature of the event.

When animals couple, there is the gnashing of teeth, growling, yelping, locking onto each other in a way that denies separation. How often have you had sex like that? As a youth, you were quiet because your parents might hear. Then perhaps it was your college dorm-mate you needed to be sensitive about, so you tossed the sheets about with your friends with muffled giggles? Then it was your apartment roommates as you entered the workforce? Then once married, you were conscious about your kids waking up and ending the fun early. Or maybe you just came from a background where sex was supposed to be so discrete that you never developed the comfort in using your lusty outside voice, inside the bedroom. 

older couple photo

But now you are in the ‘don’t give a fuck’ years, and so you have found your voice.  You are triumphant and joyous not only in your orgasm, but in the entire event leading up to the orgasm, and particularly as you are in the moment with your animal cravings and clawings, and so you emote freely, not caring who hears. It is a spiritually-freeing experience, which adds energy to the entire experience.

2. I am open to trying new things with this partner.

This partner makes you feel comfortable in your skin. Doesn’t care about your scars, your rolls, or those imperfections which you have obsessed over your entire life.  Your partner revels in your smells, your reactions, and most importantly finds everything about you without fault and utterly charming. They are a trusted partner.  Now you are ready to try all sorts of things with this partner.

How did this evolve? Your natural ‘don’t give a fuck’ evolution has paired up with your curiosities about things which you may not have tried, and don’t want to live out your life never having experienced.  And with a trusted partner you feel so additionally safe, that you are ready to spread your wings. Taking flight in this way, enjoying new sensations, and allowing yourself to fearlessly enjoy them unlocks the best sex of your life.

3. I am very into my partner’s new experiences too.

Older couple in love

Becoming a facilitator of your partner’s new experiences can lead to an empowering and giving euphoria.  Knowing that they have opened themselves up to you for first-time experimentation at a later point in their lives is a gift.  A trust put in you which imbues you with generosity and inquisitiveness about the depths of pleasure you can provide your partner is an open doorway to an incredible journey, and can even unlock some stifled roles within yourself.

4. Our energy is well-matched.

The happiest lovers are those who have found a partner who likes sex as often as they do, in the manner which they do, and with the intensity level and longevity of the event which is evenly matched.  Neither participant is left wanting more, and neither is overwhelmed by the activity (which if mismatched might cause a diminishment of pleasure).  Finding a person like this might begin by just kissing a lot of frogs on the dating apps- or so we have heard.  But it becomes easier to really evaluate yourself and your partner as you mature and really begin to understand your body and its capabilities.

Older couple in bed

It’s About Me Now.

Too often we are very conscious about the surroundings, the details of the body-dance, the effect we are having on our partner and what they are thinking in the moment, and what they might want more of.  But what happens when you let a lot of that go, and just exist in the moment? What happens if you pause to just enjoy the pleasure for yourself?

What if you lose yourself in the feelings by recognizing that this is really about you too. Your escalation of pleasure and wild abandon is hot to your partner. It accelerates their engagement, and more than ever they want to see you with that look on your face. Recognizing that it is about you now too, is to create a feedback loop that propels both of you into the zone of the best sex you have ever had.  This energy should not be underestimated.

You will know when you are having the best sex of your life, because you will find yourself daydreaming about it during odd moments of the day.  You will be amazed that you are not just more-intensely getting off on your orgasm, but on the entire experience.

Is there a next level?

Of course there is… Next level – involves candid communication including the nuances of desires and descriptively sharing verbally with each other how you perceive and experience each other’s touch, and ensuring that there is equity of effort towards intimacy from both parties- because mutual enthusiasm is always a molten-hot core of the lust. Stay tuned.

Questions Answers


What is an extender which won’t make me feel awkward in the bedroom?


Extenders have come a long way! There are new ones which are a pocket-pussy-like stroker on the giver’s end, and a supple skin-like feel of a larger cock on the receiver’s side. There are extenders with great harnesses for stability and worry-free operation, which also come with a vibrator built-in for both to enjoy. Feel awkward about wearing straps to hold your man-parts up? Well, we’ve been wearing straps to hold up the tits forever, and y’all love ’em, so step up! It’s your turn to turn us on with a beautiful harness!

There are vibrating extenders made of stiffer silicone reducing bend-over when you are not filling it, and which only uses a ball-strap for attachment. Anatomically the attachment choices have not changed much, but the actual extenders have really evolved to feel more extraordinary for both the person wearing it and the person receiving it. We encourage you to come in and look at them, and touch them, in order to make the most informed purchase.

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